Monday, September 22, 2014

Arriving at Buffalo

It all started in June 2014 when I got a chance of a lifetime to go to the United States as a Fulbright Scholar in Residence at Daemen College, Buffalo, New York.  After some hectic months of  putting together the necessary paperwork, with lots of help from Sonja at the Fulbright Center, Helsinki, and Cecilia from the IIE/CIES, I finally arrived at Buffalo International Airport late Sunday evening, September 14, 2014.

I was met at the airport by Dr. Elizabeth Wright, Associate Dean for the Education Department, who's been instrumental in planning and organizing my visit. My job will be, on one hand, to participate in planning an international student exchange program between Daemen College and University of Jyvaskyla, and on the other hand, act as a liaison between various parties in Finland and the U.S. planning an innovative educational program here in the state of New York. 

Everybody have been just wonderful. After spending the first night as a guest of Dr. Wright, I was shown around the campus and the city by Ann Robinson, the executive director of Global Programs Office, and later my Sophia Ng, from the same office. They've been absolute essential in helping me to get my life started here in the U.S. And the people at the Thomas R. Reynolds Center for Special Education where my office is  -- I've got a very nice office indeed! -- have been so nice: they put up a sign on the wall just wishing me welcome.

I'll be posting more about everyday practicalities of life in the U.S. and Buffalo area in particular -- like just exactly how does that washing machine / dryer combo work that sits in your apartment?